
The green national parks--Mountains in there somewhere

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Snowy Highlands


Looking down on Puget sound and Canada’s Vancouver Island far in the distance—a heavenly view on earthly things. 

I bought a white jeep because white is the most visible color. 

Mount Olympus is just to the right of center in the picture at the top. This much zoomed-in shot is one I hope to improve on from closer positions in the days ahead. 

Hiking up from road’s end in the morning—so refreshing, so invigorating.  Alone with the snow, the ice and a few trees.  

Sparse trees on this alpine ridge are all it will support with an average snowfall of thirty-two feet.  Higher on the mountain, no vertical tree can survive.  

Approaching the top, I met a couple of lone hikers on this cold trail.  They didn’t say much.  I have a theory that the grandeur of a place is inversely proportional to how much hikers talk. 

The visitors center is closed, but sports an interesting sign. 

You can walk the trail that me led to this place using a map prepared by Michael Angerman, showing all of my nightly sleeping places. Please click here:  Michael's Map 

1 comment:

  1. 20 min movie-
    life on the edge
    in theater
    push button
    to start


    I've already pushed
    the button
    living on the edge
    between winter
    and the fall
